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000042_owner-lightwave-l _Wed Oct 5 03:51:09 1994.msg
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From: MJamesBrown@nag.rain.com (Michel J. Brown)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: A2065 Status
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In <9408221832.AA27119@rhythm.com>,
neil@rhythm.com (Neil Richmond) writes:
> Michel Brown,
> I am interested in talking to you about your experiences with the IBM tower
> case, but you didn't include your email address.
Sorry about that, I just figured it would be sent with my reply :-(
> Please send me a note, so I can write you and not waste the lightwave
> mailing list bandwidth. Thanks.
I agree, but my local mail server won't let me reply to anything other
than the reply to field, rather than using a undeclared string field
gadget (rather simple to code, but left out!) Hopefully, you'll get this
reply properly ;^) About the transplant -- all I did was purchase a tower
case at my local parts house (Norvac Electronics) for $99, then put my
motherboard into the case so the slots lined up with the back. Then I had
to drill a couple of holes for the mouse/joystick ports, and take a timing
tap off of the power supply to feed the tick signal into the motherboard.
Total time was 2 hours between myself and my electronic technician buddy,
including R&R, and testing. The dual fans keep everything cool, and the
300 watt digital power supply keeps all my boards very happy (I have NO
free slots left in my A2500/030), including my 1080 MB harddrive, HD FDD,
and Archive Viper 250S tape drive (which really sucks the juice). So far
I've experienced no problems, and with all the drive bays available, and
the power to push them, my options have yet to be fulfilled ;^) I'll be
writing a review real soon on the entire ordeal, including the full
technical portions with drawings, and part numbers in a soon to be released
future issue of Amiga Report, or A.I.M. Online. Give it a look, or I can
UUencode when it's done, whichever works out for both of us. Thanks for your
interest, take care, God Bless, and ILBCNU!
Virtually yours,
> neil
Born on a moutain ***A2500/030/882@50MHz***
Raised in a cave ***A2386sx25/80387sx25***
Drinking and computing ***Picasso II/2 MB RAM***
Are all that I crave! ***112 MB RAM/1.3 Gigs***